Governor Healey’s Budget Makes Historic Investment’s in Massachusetts’ Latino Community and Education System

Boston, Massachusetts – Amanda Fernandez, Founder and CEO of Latinos for Education, issued the following statement in response to the approved $55.98 billion state budget for Fiscal Year 2024:

“The approved budget is a historic win for Massachusetts’ Latino community and it makes the necessary investments that Latino students and families need to receive a high quality education from childhood to adulthood.

Education remains one of the greatest equalizers in our society, especially for the Latino community, and this budget makes critical investments in specific education opportunities that Latinos have lacked for far too long. Investments that increase access to affordable and culturally-relevant early childhood education programs for Latinos, a rigorous curriculum that prepares Latinos for college through early college and college pathways courses, and investments that make college more affordable for Latinos.

The inclusion of in-state tuition and state financial aid for undocumented students, in particular, is life-changing as it will open the door for students who attend and graduate from high schools across the Commonwealth, but lack legal status, to pursue their college dreams and obtain a college education. These students face additional barriers and challenges, especially when it comes to financing their college education, but now they’ll have a clearer pathway to attend and graduate from college thanks to this budget.

The budget also makes a bold and necessary investment in the Education Innovation Fund which will help districts and school leaders reimagine the teaching profession to better serve diverse teachers and students.

Latinos for Education would like to thank Chair Aaron Michlewitz, Chair Michael Rodrigues, Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll, and Governor Healey for their leadership and commitment to educational equity not just for Latinos but for the entire Commonwealth.”


About Latinos for Education:

Latinos for Education is a national education non-profit organization focused on developing, placing, and connecting essential Latino talent in the education sector. The organization is mobilizing a network of skilled education leaders to ensure the voice of students and families is not only heard but factored into decision-making in schools, communities and education institutions throughout the U.S. The organization also ensures Latino education professionals have access to a nationwide network of peers as well as career and professional development opportunities across the country through the members-only EdCentro network. For more information visit:

Media Relations Contact:

Jayla Shannon
[email protected]