Kelly Garcia, Chairwoman at Chelsea School Committee

Kelly Garcia has been an extraordinary educator, Chairwoman of the Chelsea School Committee and community organizer. In 2015, Kelly was selected to join the Teach For America corps, where she began her tenure as a Special Education Teacher teaching grades 9-12.

To further her impact in fighting for education equality, Kelly joined Leadership for Educational Equity (LEE), where she served as a mentor for young women and men who aspired to become elected officials and create change within their communities. She was heavily involved in LEE’s efforts, as she traveled to Baltimore, Colorado, LA, New York, and Philadelphia, to deepen her skill sets in community organizing, & political involvement.

Following her involvement with LEE, Kelly beat a Chelsea School Committee incumbent of 10 years, by being elected by her beloved community to serve as the youngest School Committee official ever elected in her district, while also attending graduate classes at Boston University. While on the board, Kelly drafted and proposed a Safe-Haven Resolution that would protect undocumented students. Kelly’s proposal was passed unanimously and is now a policy effective across the district.

At 23, shortly after receiving her Master’s Degree from Boston University, she was then elected as the youngest and only Latina Vice Chairwoman to the board, and now serves as the Chairwoman. Kelly was a key stakeholder in organizing a city-wide donation drive for Hurricane Maria. Alongside her team, they were able to send over 300,000 pounds of food, clothes, and medical resources to Puerto Rico.

Kelly takes pride in her involvement in the community, serving as a champion for her students, and most importantly, being a Latina. Kelly states, “My Puerto Rican roots fuel my fire and desire to continue the fight.”