Organizational Announcements and Statements-6

The Educator Diversity Act, led by the Educator Diversity Act Coalition, was voted favorably out of joint education committee

Boston, MA – The Massachusetts Joint Committee on Education voted favorably in support of the Educator Diversity Act (H.682/S.366) sponsored by State Reprepresentative Alice Peisch and State Senator Jason Lewis, allowing the bill to be taken up for a vote by the legislature this year.  While 42% of all students in Massachusetts identify as students of color, only 10% of all teachers in the state identify as Black, Latino or API; and approximately 28% of students in Massachusetts attend schools where there are no educators of color.

If approved by the Legislature, the bill will:

  • Establish a pathway for alternative certification by 2024 so more educators of color can enter the profession. This includes diversifying the Career Vocational Technical Education educator pipeline.
  • Create an educator diversity grant fund specifically targeted at programs and practices aimed at increasing educator diversity/retention.
  • Create a statewide dashboard that collects and disaggregates data on hiring and retention by race and sets clear statewide targets for diversifying educator workforce.
  • Direct DESE to create regulations, guidance, and policies aimed at prioritizing districts in which the disproportionality between students and educators of color is greatest. 
  • Require uniformity across school districts and public schools (including charter schools) to appoint diversity officers or teams to establish and implement DEI plans. It also establishes Educator Diversity Councils to inform the work of school committees.
  • Require mandatory diversity training for the school committee, boards of trustees, district leaders, and all staff.

The Educator Diversity Act Coalition, which is led by Latinos for Education and represents diverse education groups that work all along the continuum of teacher preparation, recruitment and retention, and has been championing this legislation issued the following statements in response to the bill’s progress:

“Representation matters, especially when it comes to education. The data is clear that when students have teachers who share their experience and background, they are more likely to thrive. Unfortunately, too many Latino students currently don’t have that in their schools, and if we want to get serious about equity, we need to start with the diversity of who is teaching our kids,” said Lorena Lopera, Executive Director of Latinos for Education, Massachusetts

“Thanks to the leadership from Chair Peisch and Chair Lewis and the 63 members that have co-sponsored the Educator Diversity Act, we are on our way to establish a national model for how to address the lack of diversity within teaching all along the continuum from when someone decides to become a teacher to how they are supported to grow professionally and remain in the profession,” said Manny Cruz, Advocacy Director of Latinos for Education.

“Greater diversity in our educator workforce is critical to improving learning experiences and outcomes for all Massachusetts students. We are glad to see that the Joint Committee on Education has taken steps to move the Educator Diversity Act forward,” said Natasha Ushomirsky, State Director for Massachusetts, The Education Trust.

“We commend Chair Peisch, Chair Lewis and the Senate’s Joint Committee on Education for reporting the Educator Diversity Act out of committee. BPE is proud to join with like-minded people and organizations across the Commonwealth who are building the educator preparation pipeline and actively working to recruit, develop and support teachers of color who will stay in the profession. This coalition, working with the new policies and resources from the Educator Diversity Act, will implement and expand programming needed to reduce barriers for aspiring educators to thrive in the field,” said  Jesse Solomon, Executive Director, BPE.

“JET is excited that the Educator Diversity Act has been favorably reported out of the Joint Committee on Education.  Thanks to chairs Peisch and Lewis for their continued work on its behalf.  We look forward to supporting next steps towards its successful passage,” said Pam Herrup, Executive Director, JET Into Teaching. 

“The Massachusetts Charter Public School Association, and all of our member schools, are incredibly grateful for this important step in the advancement of the Educator Diversity Act. Our public schools strive to be places where students are affirmed and valued, and where they can see themselves represented in all aspects of their educational experience, including in the educators leading their classrooms. The Educator Diversity Act, if adopted, will support the growth of the diverse teams of educators our students, families, and staff all across the Commonwealth deserve,” added Danielle Pape, Director of Communications, Massachusetts Charter Public School Association.

To learn more about the Educator Diversity Act or the Educator Diversity Coalition, please visit 

Media Relations Contact:

Nicole Murphy
[email protected]